Extra Support With Paying Your Bills

We understand sometimes it can be difficult to pay for all your household bills. If you’re worried about paying your bills, or think you might need a little extra support, we are here to help – please let us know as soon as possible.

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Water Hardness

The hardness of your water depends on how many naturally occurring minerals are present in it. This will be determined by the geographical features of where you live in the UK.

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Advice on Water Particles

Occasionally, you may notice different coloured water particles, for example grey, black or orange, in your drinking water. We are here to help.

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Tips and Advice on Cloudy Water

Watch our helpful video on what causes cloudy water and how to solve it.

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Discoloured Water

If you are experiencing discoloured water, watch our video for tips and advice on how to solve this.

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Drinking Water – Strange Taste or Smell?

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Advice on Water Pressure

Have you got weak water pressure? Read our helpful tips and advice for what you can do.

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Advice on Leaks and Frozen Pipes

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